20 Free Keyword Research Tools (Trusted and 100% Free!)

Are you a beginner and don’t have the budget to invest money for SEO tools? Are you looking for free keyword research online platforms? Then this article can help you a lot. Here we are going to inform you about the 20 best free keyword research tools that are trusted by millions of users with the proper tutorials.

01. Google Search
02. Google Trends
03. Webmaster tools
04. Google AdWords: Keyword Planner
05. Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator
06. Keyword Finder
07. Also Asked
08. Answer the Public
09. Keyword Everywhere
10. Ubarsuggest Chrome Extension
11. Keyword Surfer
12. Questiondb
13. Bulk Keyword Generator
14. Moz Keyword Explorer
15. Soovle
16. KeywordTool.io
17. Side-by-Side SEO Comparison Tool
18. Keyworddit
19. Seoscout
20. Keyword Sheeter

free keyword research tools

1. Google Search

Autocomplete, related searches, people also ask are the most helpful for research. Google search is 100% free so we can say that research using it is 100% free.

a) AutoComplete

Autocomplete is a very helpful feature that helps you to understand what users are actually searching on google. For example, you are writing an article on dogs. So, go to a search engine and type that on there. When you are doing that you will discover that it is automatically giving you some other relevant ideas. This is actually Autocomplete.

Maybe you are thinking that this is not a valuable method for word research, but this method is so strong. Let me breakdown it. When you quest for the term ‘Dog’ google autocomplete that and from there collect some long-tail keyword ideas. Long-tail keywords rank easily. So, autocomplete is a 100% free best way to find them.

b) Related Search

Google related searches is another time-saving program. At the end of the result page, you can see this feature. This helps you to collect ideas regarding what users are searching for. This helps you to explore the relevant terms and what people are actually looking for.

For example, you are going to write an article about the top university. So, if you go down the result page you can explore what humans are actually looking for. From those results, you can really find out some long-tail keyword which will help you to rank fast.

c) People Also Ask

People also ask is another best place to meet strong low competition terms. Actually, this is a cool way. Probably you notice that feature after searching on Google a topic. This helps you to know what users are actually looking for.

If your site is about solving others problem then this method assists you to discover the most relevant question people asked for. Valuable content always helps to solve problems.

2. Google Trends

It helps users to collect information that which topics are going viral. This tool will help you to understand that what people all over the world are inquiring about. If you are targeting a specific area or country then you can collect the record or most popular searches of that area. Country-based content ranks faster than other ordinary content. Read more on ranking factors from our site.

To get information about a particular keyword, first, go to Google Trends and from the sidebar select “Explore”. Type your word or phrase in the ‘add a term’ section and hit the enter key. From the filter options, you can select your country or the target country, specific time, categories, and the platform.
So, you can collect the perfect idea of them. You can compare a search term with another which is really a cool feature. Even some paid software doesn’t have this feature.

If you are looking for a trending topic then it is a good tool for you. This will help you to obtain real-time trending topics. From the sidebar of it select ‘Trending Searches’. At first, you will see ‘Daily Search Trends’, where you can find the information that which topics are going trending.

From ‘Realtime Search Trends’ you can really collect an idea about the most trending topics on google in Realtime. You can select your targeted country and the category of your content. Most of the news websites use this for topics exploring.

3. Webmaster

If you already know SEO then there is a 100% possibility that you know Google search console previously known as webmaster. It helps you to index your content on Google. It helps you to check total clicks, impression, average click-through rate (CTR), average position. It shows us the information based on Google.

If you have unique content then this will help you to explore different word lists that are already ranked. Actually, those are valuable topics for your website. You can create an authentic blog by writing more on those queries.

You can only take this advantage if you already submitted your website to the webmaster tool. Visit the webmaster and from the sidebar select ‘Performance’. There you will receive the top keyword and the position of each of them. Write more content on those queries and build authorities on your website. Most bloggers use this method and create a content loop for visitors.

Bing Webmaster is very helpful. You can use this to obtain a lot of advantages. But first, you need to index your website on Bing webmaster. If your site is already been indexed then you can see all the analytics based on your site.

Many beginners think that Bing is not so Important. They only focus on Google. Which is a really unprofessional thing. Still, a lot of Windows users directly use Bing to find out different answers. So, focus on Bing too. Index your contents and analyze all data.

Bing webmaster provides proper data about a different topic which are ranking on Bing from your site. Write more content on them to gain trustworthiness. Yahoo shows results based on Bing. So you can rank on Yahoo easily. You don’t need to index your site separately on Yahoo.

4. Google AdWords (Keyword Planner)

AdWords is the ultimate gamechanger for ad-campaigns. If you are an ad campaign based digital marketer then this platform is perfect for you. You can boost your product selling speed by using this tool.

If you have a common product that people already know then Google Ads is the best platform to boost your selling. If your product is unique and unfamiliar then our suggestion is that use multiple ads and ad-network. But AdWords is always the best way to research keywords for ad-campaign.

If you need different topics with search volume, average searches of a topic or product in a specific area, country-related data then AdWords is the best free tool for you. A researcher can easily explore different quest terms. A big advantage of AdWords is that you can easily download whole the lists as a CSV file. This file will help you to dive deep into that list.

First, visit the Google ads website> Sign in ‘Google ads’> home page> ‘keyword planner’> discover new topics. Type your target words and select your targeted area then click on ‘get result’ button. At the corner of the page, you will find an option called ‘Download Keyword Ideas’ click on that and download all the results.

5. Ahrefs Keyword Generator

Ahrefs is a paid tool for SEO. But you can use Ahrefs keyword generator for free. You can receive the result based on Google, Bing, YouTube, Amazon. The best side of this web app is that you can easily understand the use of it. A simple user interface helps to increase the research.

Visit Ahrefs keyword Generator and type your targeted topic, select your targeted platform, fill the captcha. This will give you 100 ideas for free. The advantage of this app is that you can get proper ideas of monthly volume which is so much helpful for selecting a topic. Monthly search volume represents the average monthly number of searches for the term in the selected area.

The good point is that all the data provided by this site is pretty much exact. For the first 10 keywords, this free tool will show you the KD (Keyword Difficulty). A content-based on low KD with high volume can rank easily. This platform will guide you to gain that.

6. Keyword Finder

This tool is really good for producing a lot of profitable results. To use this, visit Keyword finder and enter some targeted content idea. Then click on the magnifying glass icon. This will start to generate many related results. The advantage of this web app is that you can generate a lot of related queries very easily in a short time.

From the filter result feature, you can filter monthly search volume, AdWords CPC, COMP, volume trends of 12 months. From this website, a user can download CSV files, Excel sheets, pdf of those generated results. The biggest advantage of this website is that it is free. Another cool feature is that the user can input negative and positive lists. This can help anybody to gain the exact result he or she looking for.

7. Also Asked

Are you looking for the simplest way for keyword research? Also asked is the best solution for this. This website provides a graphical tree interface for each targeted word. When a user searches for any word or phrase this creates an easy to understand tree interface.

To use it, first go to Also Asked and type any word or phrase related to your topic. Select the language and area you targeted. Click on the magnifier icon. This will show you the real beautiful result of your targeted topic. This will provide you the most relevant topics on the internet.

Another advantage of this tool is that a user can explore more beep ideas by clicking on each result. Personally, I like this website so much because we can save those data in an excel sheet and download it as PNG.

8. Answer the Public

This website helps to understand how people search around topics revealing questions and queries. There are 3 billion Google searches every day. A lot of those Google have never been seen before. ‘Answer the public’ helps us to understand that what people can ask for. This will help you to explore questions and problems that people all over the world actually have.

Visit Answer The Public and enter any word or phrase based on your article idea. Select the language and area you targeted. Click on the magnifying glass icon. From this page, you gain all the keywords or topics related to that word or phrase. This web app provides information in a simple graphical way that anyone can get the exact results very easily. There is another special feature that you can download those data as CSV and download it as a PNG format.

keyword research tools

9. Keyword Everywhere

This is a popular chrome extension. This extension shows the related searches of a particular word or phrase. What you have to do is write something on Google or YouTube and this will show you all the related search results. Keyword everywhere is a great extension for SEO.

To install this chrome extension first you have to visit the chrome web store and install it in your chrome browser. Another advantage of this tool is that it works on YouTube searches too.

Now, this tool is not totally free but the free version can give you exactly what you need. That is why our suggestion is to use multiple platforms to get the exact result that you are looking for.

10. Ubarsuggest Chrome Extension

Ubarsuggest is a popular SEO tool. You can use this for free but free version have some limitation. Ubarsuggest chrome extension is totally free. The advantage of this extension is that it shows related searches with monthly search volume, CPC, SEO difficulty of a specific country.

You can install Ubarsuggest in your chrome browser. First, enter the chrome web store and install it. To get more help, visit Neil Patel’s website and then go to UBARSUGGEST. Type a keyword and this will show you the information you need to know for SEO.

Besides, you can follow Neil Patel's blog. This blog provides really good and helpful articles. Especially, if you are interested in digital marketing then this blog can help you a lot.

11. Keyword Surfer

It is a chrome extension. With the help of this tool you can get the proper information about ad result, Local Listing, Video Listings, Image Listing, Fresh Listings, News Listings, FAQ data, Content similarity, word volume, bar chart, etc. This extension is still free.

The advantage of this extension is that you can obtain all the ideas about a particular search query. If you are a content writer then this can give you the exact idea of word volume, how many images you need, how many backlinks you have to create.

To add this extension to your chrome browser, visit the chrome web store, and install it. Install this extension and search on google any topic. This will show you the exact idea that you have to follow when you are writing your content.

12. Questiondb

Every day people all over the world search for answers to different questions on the internet. They actually write questions on the search bar of Google. This tool can help you to find out different questions related to a topic. Questiondb is easy to use, free and fast.

To use it, go to Questiondb and enter your targeted word. This will take you to another page where it shows related questions. From the list of questions, you can visit the source and get the proper idea about the content.

The reason we use this because valuable content always solves the problem. Content can be valuable when you solve problems through that content. So, answering different questions can help you to create the greatest content.

13. Bulk Keyword Generator

You can use this to generate a different query. How an internet user searches a topic this tool shows us that. To use this, visite the bulk keyword generator website. Select different options from the drop-down menu. In the end, this will show you the generated search queries. Select some of them and place them in your article.

This actually helps to discover more side topic of a seed topic or root topic. Suppose, you are writing an article on pen. By using this site you can discover different ideas related to the pen which is a cool feature.

14. Moz Keyword Explorer

If you are looking for easy to use platform with 100% genuine result then this is perfect for you. Moz provides multiple SEO tools for free. All you need to create a Moz account. Besides topic suggestions, this website provides SERP Analysis too. Which is very helpful.

To gain the advantage of Moz, visit Moz Explorer, and create an account. After finishing all processor Moz will show you keywords related to your search. We are still using this. You can follow their blog to learn more information and tricks.

Moz always focuses on beginners. You can learn a lot of strategies from their blog. They have a large collection of online courses which can help you to improve your skills. We recommend every beginner to take their online course because many of them are free and interactive.

15. Soovle

Soovle is different from other free tools available on the internet. Because you can research topics for different platforms at the same time. With a unique design, this website can provide you helpful information.

To use it, go to Soovle and in the search box enter your targeted word or topic. This will show you related queries for Google, Wikipedia, Bing, YouTube, Yahoo, Amazon. Another advantage of Soovle is that you can save those keywords in CSV format. This shows the trending word and phrase according to the alphabet.

This platform is really timesaving. Just type the seed topic and get the related topics. Especially, the interface is really futuristic. The clean data management and display system are helpful for any user. Even this tool provides exact ideas.

16. KeywordTool.io

This particular website is very helpful for beginners. You can research the queries of different words for different platforms using this.

To use this, enter the Keyword Tool website and type your target keyword. Select your target location and platform. Click on the magnifying glass icon. This will take you to another page where you can see lots of related search queries. Use those to your article properly.

free seo tools

17. Side-by-Side SEO Comparison Tool

This helps to find out the key points of different websites. If you are looking for ideas then this website can help you. Select 2 different website URL related to your niche and paste on this website. It will show you the top keywords of them.

To use this it, go to the Internet Marketing Ninjas and paste multiple website URL. Click on the ‘Ninja Check’. This will take you to a new page where you can see that information.

Personally, I like their services. Even it provides digital marketing services. You can also check out that.

18. Keyworddit

This tool is helpful for Reddit's topic research. First, visite Keyworddit and type a particular word and select from suggestion. Click on ‘get keyword’. This will show you monthly search volume and context. Click on any context and this will take you to that particular google search query. The main advantage of keyworddit is that this tool shows really unique ideas.

19. Seoscout

Seoscout is another advanced tool. Try Seoscout, type your targeted word. Select targeted language, select country. Click on the green ‘Go’ button. Here you can see some other filters. Select what type of result you want to show. Seoscout will show you different suggestions.

Most marketers will use a keyword suggestion tool like this to stimulate ideas for new content. Seoscout is different from them because it's like a paid platform. But it free to research tons of valuable content. Seoscout provides a huge collection of filters. Use them properly to gain the perfect result.

20. Keyword Sheeter

This website will show you different search terms of a particular word. Actually, it can generate a huge list of queries. To use this tool, visit Keyword Sheeter, and type any word. Click on ‘Sheet Keywords’ this will take you to another page. Click on the ‘Start Job’. This will generate the information you need. You can add a negative and positive filter. This tool provides export data functionality.

If you face any problem then comment below. Subscribe by email for digital marketing related articles. Stay cool, stay creative. Happy SEO.

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