Don't you know that Google uses an Algorithm with more than 200 factors for evaluating any content from WWW and give that a rank in Google Search? If you want to rank your site, you need to know them all and practice them by using it on your site. If you are thinking that you know these factors then Congratulations. But don’t you know that Google changes its Algorithm more than 500 times in a particular year. Different Marketing is now going to get to you know about the latest 150 SEO Facts or Google Ranking Factors. Let us start. Happy SEO. Happy Digital Marketing with Different Marketing.
1. Having a Top-level Domain:
It is proved that in order to get a good rank in Google Search, one needs to have a Top-Level Domain. Domain with .com, .org, .co,, .info and many other top-level domains are available. And you need to select one of them for your beloved site.2. Having Keyword(s) in Domain Name:
If your domain has a Keyword related to your site’s contents then you have a good chance to rank easily. Keywords in domain name matters.3. Having Keyword(s) in Subdomain:
Having a keyword related to your site’s services in the subdomain will help you to get a higher rank. Some experts say that Keywords in subdomain performs better than in domain. It can really boost up your page and site. Read more about the subdomain.4. Selecting Domain after knowing its history:
If a domain previously marked as spam by Google and then change happened by old owner and after that, if any new owner takes the same domain without checking its history, most probably will carry the Spammy Tag. Therefore, be careful in taking a domain. Check its history right after its availability.5. Never Try to spam:
As experts saying that if Google marks any person as a spammer, Google may scan all his sites and sometimes it results in penalized.6. Well Decorated Homepage:
From an expert’s point of view, it can be said that your Homepage is the page that gets the highest number of traffic. Some SEO experts say that Google Algorithm analyzes a site’s homepage more than other pages. From a user point of view, it can be said that if any user comes to your site by finding an article from Google and likes your content then most probably, he/she will visit your Homepage. Thereby, the Homepage matters a lot.7. Domain with Country Extension:
If you want to rank your site in a particular country then you should use Top-Level Domain with Country Extension. But it will reduce your site’s chance to rank globally. Some country extensions are .cn, .uk, .ca, .pt, .bd, .in.8. Title Tag of an Article:
You have to use related Keyword(s) that you want to rank for in the Title Tag of your Article. It mattered a lot in the past. Though it is not so important as of before, it still has importance.9. Length of Site’s each content:
As Moz’s research, nowadays length doesn’t matter, Quality Matters. But still, your content should have at least 1200-1500 words if you want to rank with a Highly Competitive Keyword.10. Starting Title with a keyword:
Having a keyword at the end of a title or in the middle is not as good as having in the beginning. A title starts with a keyword that may boost your content’s traffic largely.11. Using H1:
Headlines should be in H1 Title Tag. It performs better as Google Algorithm can find focused Keywords easily. Some SEOs say that keywords should also in H1 tags. But many of them say vice versa. They say using more than one H1 tag is a minus point for a site. So, it is safe to say that one should use H1 in title and H2, H3 in some keywords. Maybe it's the best way.12. Meta Description Tag:
This factor is not so important to rank but still an important factor. You should use your keywords in the Meta Description Tag. It can give a signal about your page.13. Using Table:
Using tables in your content helps to perform well. Especially Table of Contents can boost your articles' reach. The reader also loves to see the table than boring data collection.14. Using Bullet Points:
If your article has some bullet points and elements are unique then your site’s article has a great chance to have a place in Google Features.15. Keyword Density:
For which Keyword(s) you want to rank in Google Search? It becomes easier for Google by focusing on density. But overuse may be marked as SPAM. Keyword Density should be 1% or less (It is not anything fixed). The quality of your content matters more.16. Using Low Competitive but High Demand Keyword(s):
It becomes easier for your site to rank in Search Results if you use Low competitive but Highly Searched Keyword/Keywords. You can take help from some free or paid SEO Tools. Different Marketing’s suggested tool is Ubersuggest. Read our article about 20 free keyword research tools for more information. There are many more SEO Tools. You can find one which will help you.17. Topic in an Article:
Researchers reveal that content covering too many topics is less performing than contents covering only one topic deeply.18. Page Loading Speed:
Page speed is a very important factor in ranking in Google Search Result. Page speed should be between 50-89 at least.![]() |
Webpage loading, error test by Google page speed lighthouse |
According to Google Page Speed Insights speed between 0 to 49 is less good. 90-100 is excellent though it is not easily achievable. 50-89 is being considered a good speed. Google also uses the Chrome Browser User’s Data. You can Click Here to test your site’s speed. To maintain a good Page Load Speed, you should follow some instructions.
a) Avoid Extra HTML without need.
b) Do not use big-sized pictures.
c) Try to use JPEG XR, JPEG 2000 formats.
19. Avoiding HTML Overload:
Do not make your font colored, big-sized, hyperlinked, etc without any need. The more you use these, the more your page’s article gets HTML overloaded. And thus, it takes more time to load. And taking more time is never good for your site.20. Use AMP:
Using AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages can help your site to rank better. You can check your template/theme is AMP or not by using the Google AMP test tool.21. Duplicating Contents:
As backlink info, even slightly modified content on the same topic on the same site can put a negative influence on a site’s search visibility. So, you need to keep this in mind. Do not try to increase your articles by number. Keep focused on the content's quality.22. Using Low Resolutions Images:
Image Formats like PNG or JPEG is not good for a site because of its extra size. You should use JPEG XR, JPEG 2000 formats. They are better for a site. Images of this format download faster. Try to keep your added images below 30 KB.23. Alt Text of Image:
The alt text of your image is also an important point for ranking. You can use the title of your article or can focus on keywords that you want to rank for as Alt Text for feature Image. For other additional images, you should use keywords too. It helps search engines to find your article's main topic easily.24. Image’s Caption:
A caption with Keywords for your image also can help Google Algorithm to find out your focused Keywords easily. Never forget to do this.25. Updated Articles:
Google mainly focused on updating posts/articles for time-sensitive searches. But never try to repost any article with slightly edited.26. Keywords in H2, H3 Tags:
Having some of your Keywords in H2 or H3 format is not too important for ranking but you can try. It also makes your content nice looking.27. History of Updating:
How many times and how frequently your page has been updated is also a factor of Google Search Ranking.28. The prominence of Keywords:
If you have a keyword in 1st hundred words, then your page may boost up in search results. So, try to do this legally.29. Backlinks:
SEO experts are agreed in this term that having too many backlinks is good for your site. Try to make good content so that others will add your link to their site by their wish. Focus on good content.30. Post That Backlinked Your Site:
The quality and topic of the post that has added your article’s URL in their post or hyperlinked is also an important factor. If you get a link from a very good article then your article also gets a boost.31. Image, Videos, and Other Additional Files:
Your content must need at least 1 feature image. You can add more correlated images to your content. But using many will reduce your page speed which is not good for your site.32. Using Grammar Correctly:
Wrong grammar in your article can mark your article as a Low-Quality Article. You must focus on correct grammar. There are so many tools/Chrome Browser Extension that can help you to fix grammatical problems. Grammarly is one of them.33. Right Spelling:
Using the right spelling is also an important factor as well as using correct grammar. If your article has correct spelling along with correct grammar, then your article has a good chance to rank.34. Mobile Phone Friendly:
You should use or build a theme in your site that has 2 different themes for PC and for Mobile Phone. You should use 2 different logos too. Mobile Usability is too much important. Even Google loves to index mobile-friendly content. Go to google mobile-friendly test tool and check your website.![]() |
Mobile-friendly test tool |
35. Outbound Links:
Too many DoFollow links may have a bad impact on your site. Use links that a user really need or helpful for the user.36. Broken Links:
If your site has too many broken links, then it is never good for you and your site. Check out the broken links of your site regular basis.37. Advertisement’s Link:
Links from advertisements shouldn’t be followed. They are in the NOFOLLOW category according to Google.38. Posts from Guests:
Too many guests' posts are bad for your site. But having some is good. Make sure that content is well written and have fewer grammatical errors.39. Backlinks from Verified Websites:
It is so important to get backlinks from some trusted and verified sites on the same topic as yours. By achieving some backlinks from these sites, you can get a better rank.40. Getting Backlinks from Competitive Sites:
If any site that ranked in Google search in the same topic you wrote gives you backlink(s), that will boost your page’s performance on a large scale.41. Backlinks from .edu and .gov sites:
Normally Google doesn’t care too much about these types of sites article. But getting a backlink from those sites can really help you. If you can get any backlink from these types of Domain, then your content is too quality post and also your post will get a higher rank in Google Search.42. Linking Pages:
Link your page too much. Even in your own site, No problem at all. But remember, excess anything is bad. Link your page to the sitemap and to correlated articles.43. Backlinks from Old Domains:
Backlinks from old domains perform well than new ones. But make sure that old domain history is good enough. There is much old domain that is looking good now but 2 or 3 years ago that domain was used for bad content.44. Reviews from Users:
Google takes user’s reviews and user experience as an important metric for a website. Especially from Chrome Browsers users.45. The Number of Returning Visitors:
If a site is good and can make a good impression at the first sight of a user’s eye, then there remains a great chance of coming back. So how good is your site is largely depending on the number of returning visitors to your site.46. Use Google Analytics:
Using Google Analytics and do change in your site after study there is helpful for any site. You can get all the realtime date which can help you to understand what type of change you should do. It also helps to understand the main traffic sources and user experiences with your site. Most of the websites use this tool to improve there site.47. Use of Google Search Console:
This tool is as important as Google Analytics. If you can use the search console in the right way, you can be successful. This tool also helps to improve the content. You can research keywords you are ranking for, the impression you are getting, the clicks you are getting on Google.48. Backlinks from YouTube:
Nothing to say about it. It is a way to get more traffic. But getting a link from bad or low-quality videos is not helpful at all. It's a good idea to start a youtube channel of your own and make videos according to the content you are writing.49. Using Planned Dropdown Menu:
If your site has a well-planned Drop-Down Menu then users can easily find out what they want. It is a good factor for ranking. You can use labels in Blogger and tags in WordPress too. Even you can create your own dropdown menu using HTML and CSS only.50. Sitemap:
You have a good site with awesome content. But if you don’t have SITEMAP for your site, then all your hard work can be gone to the vain. You should categorize your site’s top and helpful posts in a sitemap with hyperlink. So that users can easily find the content that he/she looks for.51. Disclaimer Page:
Your site needs a Disclaimer page and this is mandatory. There are too many disclaimer creators for free. But it is good to create personally. This is also important to get Adsense approval.
52. Terms and Condition, Privacy Policy:
These two pages are also important factors for getting a higher position in Google Search. You have to give a clear concept of your privacy policies for your users. Terms and conditions should also be cleared to the users.
53. Contact Us and About Us Pages:
These two pages are also important as others but having about us is a helping page both for Google and Users. Contact us page may have a Google form or Microsoft Office form to collect users' experiences, complaints, or praises. It is also mandatory.
54. Avoid Duplicating Meta Information:
Duplicating Meta Information can hamper your site largely. Write your own. It's a good idea to create your meta information carefully.
55. Trust Rank:
This is a factor of huge importance in this case. You need further study to know about it.
56. Useful Content:
Not only Quality content, but also Useful content for users is also important. Focus on it well. If users find your content useful then he/she will trust your site and will return for some more updates they want.
57. Old Pages:
An old page that has regularly updated may perform well than others. Though Google prefers fresh articles. If your content is too old then update it or remove it. If you remove this then make sure that your website has a 404 redirect page.
58. Add Page in Sitemap:
Post that has linked in the sitemap of its own site performs well in Google Search. So, always keep updating your sitemap with your new and important content(s).
59. Information Source:
It is very important to add sources in every post that has unique information and sources should be a well-ranked website. Though it is not too important but still it fascinates readers. Learn to give credit. It is one of the best practices.
60. Well-Structured URL:
The URL of your post is one of the most important factors of Google Rank. A URL that has keywords about that article’s mainly focused topic can boost up your page ranking. But the URL shouldn’t be too long as well. You should use only English words un URL and there shouldn't be any space or underscore. You should use hyphens. Just look at our URL.
61. Do Not Comment Links:
If you comment on your site’s links in other’s blog posts in a large percentage, then maybe you can be marked as SPAMMER by Google. You should better give up this habit of getting backlink if you have this bad habit.
62. Hyperlink:
Backlinks are important. But if that link is hyperlinked in an article’s body then it performs well. And again, mentioning without hyperlinked gives the site a brand image.
63. Link’s Location in Content:
A link at the beginning of relevant content can also perform well a bit. You should not place any link at the beginning of the content. Place links there where the user actually needs it or the user actually looking for it.
64. Request for Reconsideration:
If you get banned or marked as SPAM by Google then there is no other option but a Reconsideration Request. A successful Reconsideration request can help you. If you get penalized then also it is the way.
65. Google Dance:
It can shake-up your rankings for a time being, not for a long time.
66. Google Sandbox:
Google Sandbox helps to shake-up the site’s visibility for a short span of time just as Google Dance. These may help you to rank some breaking news of a fixed time.
67. Avoid Selling Links:
If you get caught, then your site has a great chance of resting in peace. Avoid it.
68. Poison Anchor Text:
As Backlinkinfo, it may influence Google to mark your site as SPAMMY or HACKED.
69. Organic CTR:
Maintaining organic CTR at a good level is too much helpful for a site. If your content is good enough then you don't need to worry about it. With an attractive title, you can get a good CTR. But if your title and description are not attractive enough then it is hard to get good CTR.
70. Adding Too Many Ads:
Google likes to penalize sites with less content but too many advertisements. Think about your users' benefit before your own.
71. Good Content:
Ultimately, good content matters most. If your content is not so good, then using a lot of SEO factors won’t make any positive results.
72. Ideally Optimized Page on Site:
If your site’s pages are ideally optimized, then you can relax a bit. You should think about both personal computers using users as well as mobile using users.
73. Responsive Designed Site:
Your site should have a responsive and simple web design. It helps your site to improve its speed and thus, ranking.
74. On-Page Optimization:
We have already said details about it. Using Keywords, title, meta description, image, alt text all are part of On-page Optimization.
75. Domain Registration Length:
At least 1 yearlong registered domain performs well than new. So, don't be upset if your content is good but is not getting a good rank because of domain age. This is not a big deal.
76. Parked Domains:
Google usually finds parked domains and penalize them.
77. EMD:
EMD or Exact Matched Domain helps a site to rank. Like if your site is about Bicycle and you are lucky to get This is called Exact Matched Domain. But getting an exact matched domain is not a tiny deal. Here you can go with a subdomain.
78. Good Server:
If your site has hosted with some other sites, then the server’s all site’s performance and quality puts an impact on yours. So, try to use a good Hosting Server. Do not take hosting from a low-quality server just to save some money. It can kill your site.
79. Having HTTPS in URL:
If your site’s URL has https, then it proves that your site is secure for users. As our site’s URL is
80. Avoid Over Optimization:
Google loves to penalize sites that optimized a lot. Over Optimization is always hurting. You need on-page optimization but not over-optimization.
81. Breadcrumb Navigation:
Using Menu, Sub-menu, Dropdown, labels, suitable tags can boost your site’s rank.
82. Spent Time on Site:
If a user comes to your site and stays some times that means that your content was helpful for that user. This is an important factor obviously. Coming and leaving instantly put a negative impact on your page. If users do it by mistake, then also it may hurt you.
83. On-Page Optimization Rate:
You should check your on-page optimization rate out of 100. The more you can score, the higher rank your site will get. There are too many sites that will help you to do so. Many are free, many are paid.
84. The string of URL:
Never create a long URL with too many words. A short but good (with the main keyword) is always good for a site.
85. Changing Site’s Structure:
If any site’s structure changes a lot, then Google needs a huge amount of time to recognize and analyze that site. It can seriously hamper your Search Engine Visibility.
86. Close to Homepage:
SEO experts say that any pages that are closer to the site’s homepage always perform well than other pages. The closer your page is to the site’s homepage, the better rank it in Google Search.
87. H1 Tags:
Your title should be in H1 Tag. You shouldn’t use more than one H1 tag in the article or even on that page. You can use H2 or H3 instead if need.
88. Page’s Layout:
The more attractive your page’s layout is, the better your page will get returning visitors. But never forget about Page Speed. Page speed is more important than style.
89. The number of Total Pages:
The number of Total pages never put an impact on ranking. But if you have many pages and all of them are about close topics, then it will help Google to understand your site’s focused topic.
90. Tag: Rel=Canonical:
A canonical tag is helpful for a site in many ways. One needs to study more about this type of tag. Now just Google it.
91. Distracting Ads:
Using spammy ads as well as distracting ads can distract visitors from your page. You shouldn’t use too many ads on your page also. Always focus on the user first and then about ads if you really want to get more organic traffic.
92. Ads with Upper Portions:
If you give too many ads and also give ads at the beginning of your page in a bigger portion, then your page has a great chance of being penalized by Google.
93. Bounce Rate:
As the bounce rate is too easy to spam, it is not the best ranking factor. Yet it is a factor and an important factor as well.
94. DMCA Complaints:
DMCA or Digital Millennium Copyright Act works to protect other’s intellectual properties. Getting any DMCA complaint hampers a site’s rank greatly. So, never ever try to publish other's contents without their permission.
95. Sneaky Redirects:
Sneaky redirect is a big mistake. It can make a site unable to be indexed.
96. Panda Penalty:
Panda Penalty means penalized sites because of sites with too many low-quality contents. These sites are less visible in Google. So, believe in quality, not in quantity. Besides site can be penalized by Google Panda for some other reasons i.e. Plagiarism, Thin content, Poor User Experience, User-Generated Spam, etc. Learn more about Google Panda and Panda Penalty.
97. Brand Mention:
Non-hyperlinked but mentioned of other sites have marked that site as a brand. As in this article, we haven't hyperlinked Moz, Backlinkinfo, Grammarly, Ubersuggest but mentioned them. Here they are being marked as brands although they are already brands. If you get this type of mention then you will get almost the same value.
98. Social Media Accounts:
If your site has a social media account or page (i.e. Facebook, Instagram) then you should keep that up to date. Google sometimes check it. If you have a page with 20K follower but you don’t post on that page regularly then, that won’t make anything good for you. So, you need to update posts or statuses there regularly. Share on social media like Facebook plays a great role in getting traffic as well as popularity.
99. Updating Sitemap Regularly:
You have to update your sitemap regularly with your latest posts. You should link only useful content there, not all articles.
100. Official LinkedIn Page:
Real businesses usually have a company LinkedIn page; it will help you to get trustworthiness.
101. Twitter Profile:
Having a Twitter profile is not given too much priority by most of the site's owners. But having a Twitter profile is important to prove that your site is a brand or your site is here to be a brand. Because big brands usually have one.
102. Searching a Keyword with Site’s Name:
If people search for something with a site’s name from where he wants to get the information (i.e. Messi FCB), Google then gives that site (here a better position. So, if you get this type of organic search, you have a big chance to rank higher.
103. Images as Result:
Sometimes images also come as organic Google Search Result. Like if you ask Google “Game of Thrones Cast”, then Google will give you images of all the actors and actresses of GOT in the first result. Again, if you search for "Bug Insects" you will get images as results. Besides these, images are important because Google gives options to see the images as a search result if a user needs or wants.
104. PLU:
PLU/Payday Loans Update is a special algorithm and one needs to study huge about it. So, after reading this article, you can go for knowing about Payday Loans Update along with Rel=Canonical as we mentioned before.
105. Shopping Result:
Google gives shopping results sometimes too as they give results from YouTube.
106. Top Stories:
“You have searched something and get a top stories box about that searched results from a site,” haven’t happened it? Sometimes it happened. And it happened to most trusted and widely known sites.
107. Location:
If any page mentions its location, that page has a chance to rank topper than other good articles for local searches. In fact, above the usual organic SERPs*.
*SERP = Search Engine Result Pages.
108. Domain Score:
Domain score matters but not on large scale. Quality is the key to defeat the competitors having a good domain score. Focus on the quality of your content.
109. Google+:
Although Google+ failed to get popularity, sites added to one’s Google+ Circle used to get a higher position in the past. But as Google Plus is no longer available for consumers and brands, maybe it won't matter a lot now. In Android Google+ has become Google Currents.
110. Safe Search:
Adult contents won’t appear if the user turned on Safe Search. So, try to use nonadult words in your title and content if you don't need it.
111. Natural Link:
Never try to build spammy strategies to build a link. Natural Link profiles is an important fact. Create a link that actually identifies your content. Google is too smart to detect spammy links.
112. Guest’s Generated URL:
Many sites have opportunities for publishing articles of users by users automatically. Google can easily identify which of the URL has been created by Site Owners and which have been created by Guests or Users. Too many guest's created URL is a big NO.
113. 301 Redirect Links:
Links form this type of redirect (301 Redirects) perform as a direct/real link almost. No problem with it at all.
114. Removing Everything that Slows Down a Website:
Page Load Speed is too much important for gaining a good rank in Search Results both in Google and Bing. So, if you find anything that slows down your site, just remove it. No tolerance about it if you really want to rank.
115. Share:
You should write on some topics that will lead a reader to share that on a social platform like Facebook. Getting shares on social media helps to get more and more traffic to your page and also helps to get a good rank in SER*.
*SER = Search Engine Results.
116. Organize Competitions to Get Share:
You can host some competitions on a regular basis on Social Media platforms that will help you to gain more share and traffic as well. Competition can be like:
a) Movie/Series Analysis
b) Movie’s Character Review
c) Quiz (on the topic that your website for)
d) Writing Competition on Some Useful Topics.
And there are many more. Just pick one, plan well, and start hosting.
117. Publish Content Consistently:
Publishing quality content on a regular basis helps a site to draw user’s and Google’s attention. You will be succeeded.
118. Relevant Page-Level:
Putting a link on a relevant page of the same site can also boost the article’s SER position. With a good number of relevant content, you can build a really high authority website.
119. Selecting a Low Competitive Niche:
This is a very good strategy to start a new site. You should select a low competitive but medium to high demand niche for starting a new site and regularly publish good and useful content for users. Getting a good rank with a highly competitive niche is really a big deal.
120. Link Velocity:
A site with positive link velocity gets a boost in SERP and it’s too much predictable. Because it proves that your site is upgrading day by day and users are loving it.
121. Backlinks from Top Resources:
Getting an external link from the top sites about the same topic/niche you have written will give you some extra credit. If you write quality content regularly, then that day is not too far when you will achieve this type of backlinks.
122. Getting Backlink from Only Backlink Giving Site:
Backlinks are important. But getting a backlink from sites which mainly give backlinks to other sites is not always good. Sometimes it can be bad.
123. Real Sites VS Fake Blogs:
Getting backlinks from real sites than fake blogs/new blogs are better obviously. Experts say this so far. If you create good content then you can easily get backlinks.
124. Reciprocal Links:
Excessively exchanging links is never a good idea. Say no to exchanging links on a large scale.
125. Google RankBrain:
RankBrain is an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm that calculates user’s interaction with search results and mostly rank sites according to RankBrain’s measurement.
126. Vote:
Do you know, “Every result show on SE* is similar to a voting candidate”? It is true. And hereby every click is being counted as a vote.
*SE = Search Engine
127. Organic Click:
Pages that get more clicked in CTR are ahead in getting a good position in SERP. Make sure that your title and description are attractive enough.
128. Traffic from Direct Link:
Visiting site from the direct link is good for a site, it is proved.
129. Crawlable Page:
In order to rank, it is very much important to ensure that your page is fully crawlable to search engines.
130. Favicon:
Favicon is a must for every site. An attractive favicon can lead users to your site. So, try to make an extra-ordinary but simple favicon for your beloved website.
131. Anchor Text:
Anchor text is used to figure out a page’s main topic. So, use anchor text and be very much careful during the time of using it.
132. SIM/Search Intent Match:
If any content matches exactly the same as a searcher wants to find out, then that content is two steps ahead to be ranked than others. Think about what will you search for and fix the title thereby.
133. Public-Private WhoIs:
Private WhoIs information is a big NO. It can be a sign of hiding something and be an obstacle in your way to a better rank.
134. Penalized WhoIs Owner:
If any site of any owner is marked as a spam site or any owner marked as a spammer then all the websites he owns can be penalized by Google.
135. TF-IDF:
Click Here to learn about it. It is important to know about TF-IDF. You need at least basic ideas about TF-IDF. Just Click there and learn happily.
136. LSI/Latent Semantic Indexing:
LSI is a particular type of keyword(s). LSI keywords help search engines by defining the meaning of multiple meaning words. For instance, a mouse is an animal and again a mouse is a part of the computer. The presence and absence of LSI define the quality of content sometimes.
137. Hummingbird:
It is used to understand the topic of a page a bit better. Click Here and it will drive you to Wikipedia so that you can learn more about it.
138. Content Updates Magnitudes:
So to speak, removing an entire section of a site or adding is better than switching the order of a few words or paragraphs. If sometimes you need to do, just remove everything from that section and add anew.
139. Syndicated Content:
Your content must be your own. If you just copied and pasted then you may be penalized. Sometimes it happens that you may write your own, but it matched with others which have published before. For that type of problem, you can check your content's uniqueness from some free tools. "" is one of them.
140. Spam Score:
The less your site’s spam score is, the better your site will rank. You can find out your domain's spam score from MOZ.
141. Reading Level:
Every Website gets a reading level stat. The reading level has been divided into 3 levels. They are:
a) Basic
b) Intermediate
c) Advanced.
The basic level of reading is being treated as best by SEO experts.
142. HTML Errors:
HTML errors in a large number may be a sign of a poor-quality website/webpage. A well-coded site is a site of good quality. So, code your site well yourself or by an expert developer.
Never give this task to anyone who can miscode. (Talented new developers may have no experience but it is not true that they will miscode. Always try to keep your webpage error-free.
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HTML errors |
Never give this task to anyone who can miscode. (Talented new developers may have no experience but it is not true that they will miscode. Always try to keep your webpage error-free.
143. Tags in WordPress:
Blogger and WordPress, two different media of blogging. Blogger gives you free hosting. WordPress gives you some extra features like WordPress tags. Using tags in a proper way can lead your page to be ranked better.
144. Domain Trust:
Experts say that Domain trust is a massively important factor for ranking in SER.
145. YouTube:
A YouTube video of good quality can easily rank than a site on the same topic. If you search for "Tom and Jerry", Google will show you videos from YouTube first. Maybe it happens because Google owns YouTube. Backlinks from YouTube can also help a site (previously mentioned).
146. A backlink from Separate C-Class IPs:
Getting links from a totally separate class-c IP address defines that your site has a wider range of linking. There is no doubt that you will be helped by this.
147. Links from Worse Sites:
Backlinks are not always good. Backlinks from worse site/penalized site/spam site may hurt your site’s visibility. Though you shouldn’t worry about it. Google is always on your side if you haven’t done anything wrong.
148. UX Signals from Other Keywords:
If your page ranks for several other keywords, it may help you to prove your site as a good site. Google says,
“We look for sites that many users seem to value for similar queries."You can read the full report on “How Search Works” by clicking here.
149. UGC/Sponsored Tags:
URLs that are tagged like “rel=UGC” or “rel=sponsored” are treated totally differently than “followed” or “rel=nofollow” links.
150. Chrome Bookmarks:
You maybe know that Google collects data form its users. We have previously mentioned that Google collects data from Chrome Browser Users so that they analyze a site’s load speed. In a similar way, it collects data form Chrome Browser Users Bookmarked sites or pages. If someone bookmarked your site’s at least one article or the homepage, then you can hope that your page/site is going to get a good position in SERP. But never try to spam. Never try to bookmark your own site’s pages in too many phones/PC that you own. If Google can catch you once, you can be penalized.
So, that’s 150 SEO factors that will help you to get a higher position in Google Search Results. Explore more and more and learn more about Search Engine Optimization. In conclusion, we can point out some key points. They are:
a) You need a good CTR
b) Your page speed should be at least above 49
c) On-Page Optimization Rating
d) Backlinks from some quality sites as well as from sites having .edu or .gov extension.
e) Mobile usability
f) Really good quality
Comment below if you have known anything new from here. We, Md. Rabiul Mollah and Sakib Mahmud, are going for now. Bye. Keep Learning. Happy SEO.
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